Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby cherrybomb48 » Fri Aug 28, 2015 4:40 pm

Glad to be apart of another awesome forum! The site is very nice and I'm glad to see that someone is already doing a build log on the big Yak. That is one beautiful airplane. Great log so far and looking forward to more!
Geaux Lower! :mrgreen:

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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Joe Hunt » Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:50 pm

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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Joe Hunt » Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:51 pm

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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Joe Hunt » Fri Aug 28, 2015 6:52 pm

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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Joe Hunt » Fri Aug 28, 2015 8:09 pm

I was asked on about a comparison of the quality of this plane versus the quality of other brand Yaks... I'm speculating in order to justify it costing more than other brand Yaks. I replied:

Yeah, maybe the powers that be are more open to those types of discussions here, I don't know. It's a small hobby, especially in the 150cc size. It reminds me of that documentary Mondovino. And, also of Robert Parker (same industry). You have these generations old wineries in france, etc. With one word from a published expert they can be helped or destroyed forever. Still we'd all like to know how all the rc plane products perform and also know about their quality. We'd really like the unbiased straight story. But, it's tricky... definitely a slippery slope. We don't want to put any of these guys in peril as we need all of them. There's not that many choices now. It's a hard business, again, we need these guys. Or we're going to be building kits again. :O lol Also, price and value are totally relative, totally your perspective. There are china ARFs on eBay for great prices... there are composite planes internationally that are very expensive... there are average priced USA companies china ARFs... and higher priced USA companies china ARFs. And, man, if you want great bang for the buck, some of these used planes are real steals. Then you might want some service and support. That ranges from okay to great. I haven't purchased one of those eBay planes but there is probably no support there.

As for this AW Yak55M... I just put together a Hangar 9 Sukhoi (which I have 36 flights on and totally love, just a great great plane)... and it is clear that this AW Yak55M would cost more to manufacturer. Just the double wall round sides alone is twice as much work. The cowl is twice as much work. If this plane looks good to a guy I would advise him to get it (it's not like it is high priced like a composite plane or anything). If that same guy wanted to get in as cheap as possible I'd tell him to get one of these used engines online (just saw two DA-150s go for $400 a piece) and there are amazingly good and strong servos for $100 (I see used 7950s for $70, too). For the guy that wants it all, get a highend new engine and some brushless servos! Either way the price of the plane won't change the budget much over the average priced 40% plane. That's how I look at it, anyway. But, we're all going to have our own perspective on it.

I just looked up at your quote... "same plane/different brands". I don't feel like this plane is same plane, different brand. It's more custom. I'm not saying it's better than anybody else's ARF. I'm definitely not saying it flies better, I still have not flown it. haha I'm not saying it's worth more to everyone. There is more to the cowl and fuse than I've seen on other aerobatic ARFs. I really think if you want it, get it. If you don't, don't. "You" being second person plural. Not you, dhal22. haha I don't think the fact that it costs more than average is going to make a difference to a guy that likes the look of this plane for its appearance or for the guy's style of flying (it is designed for precision, although from the videos it clearly can harrier roll down the runway, haha). Reputation will probably come into play too... if it starts winning IMAC events, all conversation will be over, and it will sell out. haha
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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Joe Hunt » Fri Aug 28, 2015 10:40 pm

Off topic: haha

I just wanted to talk about Kurt @ Fromeco. I just got off the phone and he said, "Now I'm going to have to smack you around." haha Deal is, I'm ordering some switches from him for, hopefully, this plane. His switches have a higher throughput than most all HD switches (I normally use an electronic switch to a power expander) because they are electronic switches. So, I am always trying new things and wanted to see if I could get enough current to the servos through two RXs without a power expander. I thought if I had Kurt solder up some switches with 3 RX leads it could be interesting. So, we're BS'n while he is soldering these things up and he's cuss'n at me because there really isn't enough room to solder 3 leads on the switch neatly. haha So, I say, "You know what? If you just send me some normal ones with two 16gage wires out to a Dean's end (that's standard), I'll make a pigtail with a Dean's end to 3 RX leads." And, that's when the fight broke out. haha He says, "I just finished these and you're going to run them." Now Kurt is pretty big so I will just be doing what he says. haha

But, what I wanted to talk about was when I went to the Pacific Coast Freestyle Championships without a plane, a few years back. Kurt had this awesome 3.3m monster CompARF Yak. Very big, very expensive, and it was Kurt's baby. It was mint, too. So, Kurt offers to let me fly the plane in the freestyle against Kyle Woyshnis and the boys. After the first two rounds I'm in 4th place out of like 7 guys. Kurt comes over to me and says "what's the problem, is it the plane?" And, I said, yeah, in a way. The plane is so nice and I don't want to hurt it. Kurt says, "Hell, fly it like you stole it! Planes go in, I'll just build another one. Don't even worry about it!" So, I go on to have the best contest flight I've ever put up and finish 2nd to Kyle. Second place was like $800. :) Anyway, Kurt is pretty cool, I'm just saying.
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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Joe Hunt » Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:51 am

I started in on the engine spacer. This is the longest one I've made... 2-3/4". Here is twelve pieces of 1/4" aircraft plywood rough cut. I actually only need eleven so one will get tossed. I still have to lightening hole them all and drill the four bolt holes in all of them. Then I'll epoxy them together, grind that hunk down with a drum sander, and finally seal it.


These 4-1/4" long bolts are not going to be long enough to get a nut on the other side of the firewall. I'll need to order some 4-3/4" 1/4-20 bolts.

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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Naughty Monkey » Sat Aug 29, 2015 7:37 am

No wonder I couldn't find any 1/4" ply!

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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Joe Hunt » Sat Aug 29, 2015 10:50 am

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Re: Aeroworks QB 150cc YAK 55M

Postby Naughty Monkey » Sat Aug 29, 2015 2:32 pm

And most of it will turn to dust, I'm sure.

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